With the freedom to see for up to 30 nights continuously, NIGHT & DAY breathable contact lenses are also a good alternative to LASIK surgery for those who are not good candidates and/or who are reluctant to have the procedure due to its costs, invasiveness and irreversibility. I’ve been considering LASIK surgery-are NIGHT & DAY contacts a good alternative? This breakthrough product delivers what many individuals want: the ability to have comfortable, clear vision around-the-clock in a convenient way that easily fits with their busy and unpredictable lifestyles. The lenses can be worn for up to 30 continuous nights and days, and can be easily discarded and replaced with a new pair. With the ability to wear NIGHT & DAY contacts continuously for up to 30 nights, NIGHT & DAY contacts can eliminate the daily hassles of inserting, removing and cleaning lenses. We know that patients consistently tell their eyecare practitioners that they want safe, convenient, around-the-clock vision. Why create lenses designed to be worn while sleeping? Results of a recent study show that NIGHT & DAY wearers after 2 years of monthly continuous wear actually showed improvement in most common contact lens symptoms. To obtain this approval, CIBA Vision conducted extensive clinical studies on NIGHT & DAY, making it one of the most thoroughly researched contact lenses in history. NIGHT & DAY breathable contact lenses are approved by the FDA for daily wear and extended wear for up to 30 continuous nights. I read that NIGHT & DAY contacts are approved by the FDA. With the ability to wear NIGHT & DAY breathable contact lenses for up to 30 nights continuously, NIGHT & DAY provides more freedom from the hassles of contact lens wear. No more fumbling around for glasses in the morning or having to deal with the usual hassles of soft contact lenses. Because NIGHT & DAY contacts are so breathable, they can be worn continuously for up to 30 nights, even while sleeping. NIGHT & DAY breathable contact lenses, made with a revolutionary silicone hydrogel material, transmit the highest oxygen of any available soft contact lens-up to 6x more than the leading soft contact lens-for the health of your eyes. How are NIGHT & DAY contact lenses different? NIGHT & DAY contacts offer patients the same benefit of continuous, clear vision. NIGHT & DAY contacts may be a good alternative to laser vision surgery for the millions of people who are not good candidates for the procedure or who are averse to it due to its high costs, invasiveness and non-reversibility. So higher levels of oxygen reach the eye, even during sleep. Patients typically notice whiter eyes with NIGHT & DAY, which are made of a highly oxygen-transmissible material. Insufficient oxygen may also compromise normal eye function and causes uncomfortable lens wear. Red eyes can be a sign that the eyes are not receiving enough oxygen. NIGHT & DAY allows up to 6x more oxygen to your eyes than the leading soft contact lenses. NIGHT & DAY contact lenses can be worn continuously for up to 30 nights and days. The lens can move freely on the eye and still has the highest oxygen transmissibility of any soft contact lens. The contact lens’ unique molecular structure has two distinct pathways that allow water (ions) and oxygen to pass through the lens. NIGHT & DAY contact lenses are clinically proven to reduce symptoms of contact lens-related dryness and end-of-day discomfort. Now you can wake up and go to sleep with the freedom of NIGHT & DAY lenses. That’s right-Stop the never-ending routine of removing and cleaning your contacts (for up to a month). Are You Looking for Contact Lenses You Can Wear at Night? Visit us In Olathe, KSįrom the gym to work to dinner to drinks and beyond-NIGHT & DAY breathable contact lenses are FDA-approved for up to 30 nights and days of continuous wear!